Men of the Word
Make a Difference Today
Walt Smith and the ministry of Men of the Word, strives to bring presentations that will challenge, motivate and encourage the listener to the things that GOD has done for terrific people of the past. These dramatic presentations brought to light in our 21st century with modern day examples show us how we can make a difference in our present world with the love of      Jesus Christ.

Just some of the​ characters portrayed by Walt:
Paul the Apostle- 'missions'
Zacchaeus- 'Notorious to Glorious'
Daniel- 'The Lion in Your Den'
The Innkeeper: 'make room for Jesus'
Duncan Campbell- 'Revival'
Noah- "It's a Zoo in Here"
Billy Sunday- 'Ballplayer-Evangelist'
Rev. Muhlenberg- 'The Pastor Patriot'
911 Firefighter- 'Digging Out'
Judas- 'Betrayal'
Peter- 'Fishing'
Lighthouse Keeper- 'Don't Let Er Burnout'
Charles H Spurgeon-'The Prince and the Pandemic'
plus many many more, with professionally written scripts from various writers, portrayed by Walt for YOUR specific needs !!
length of the portrayals are easily adaptable to YOUR specific desires!!

Paul urges us to "speak the wisdom of God in a mystery" (1 Cor. 2:7). To me that means we proclaim the Christ story within the context of the great redemptive story. We are to use the whole rhythmic pattern of foreshadowing and fulfillment, losing none of the inherent suspense.
[Walt portraying John Peter Gabriel Muhlenberg... the pastor patriot of the Revolutionary War ]
Men of the Word
Working Towards a Brighter Future
People seek out good plays, entertainment as well as movies hoping to be changed by being taken outside of themselves. People desire to see believable characters with a believable script in a believable performance. Plus, they learn spiritual/ life lessons in the process.
Much is gained by reclaiming the dramatic arts for Christ. People go to movies for the same reason they go to church: to find meaning in life, which is indeed a worthy goal for our lives. Christian drama is a powerful tool in attaining that goal. Please join me by supporting our efforts to make a measurable difference in the spiritual lives of others. --Walter Smith

Contact Men of the Word
Men from the Past
Men of the Word realizes that our strength lies not only in the words we stand by, but through the actions of our initiatives. Working together we overcome our challenges much more efficiently. That is why Walt Smith ultimately decided to launch Men of the Word.

Lessons for Today
Men of the Word wants to spread the message of hope and compassion only found in the LORD Jesus Christ. One single action can make a difference in the community, and that collective community then can greatly impact the world.
Promises for the Future
“Walter Smith effectively presents the stories of Biblical characters and modern individuals who have made a deep impact for Christ. His one-act/ monologue presentations inspire and inform people of all ages! I have personally been in the audience while Walt has done portrayals. Excellently presented through his gifting and research of the historical characters. I trust that Walt will continue to bless lives in all his future endeavors for God's glory."       Â
Dr. George O. Wood former General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God / Chairman, World AG Fellowship

First Responders Presentations
Here at Men of the Word, we are driven to do our part in making the world a better place through renewed faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Our specially designed First Responders Presentations, have reached hundreds of men and women, from law enforcement, to firemen, EMT personnel, to our terrific armed services men and women protecting our beloved country. Numerous first responders have made renewed decisions to develop a fresh relationship with Jesus through the efforts of pastors, church leaders, laity along with Walt's presentations of 'real' stories! Memorial Day weekend, July 4th, Veterans Day, September 11th remembrances are excellent avenues to use the these First Responders Presentations.